Coding Phase-III
This blog post covers the progress during the third and final phase of the Coding Period of Google Summer of Code 2018.
Coding Phase-II
This blog post covers the progress during the Phase-II of the Coding Period of Google Summer of Code 2018.
Weeks 3 and 4
Week 3
I started work on using the automatic slope evaluation algorithm to improve efficiency of the one-dimensional interval Newton method PR #73. Following this, I extended one-dimensional slope evaluation algorithm, which was analogous to the derivative of a function to the multidimensional case, which can be thought of as analogous to the Jacobian. There were some challenges in accomplishing this, but resorting to some good, old calculus and scribbling on loose sheets worked out well. PR #76.
Getting Selected and First Two Weeks
The Summer of Code results came out April 23rd, 9:30pm, and I vividly rememeber the moment. I was elated and was surrounded by friends, who seemed equally elated about the results. I got selected for Google Summer of Code 2018 under the umbrella organisation NumFOCUS, for a project under the Julia programming language under the mentorship of David P. Sanders.